Cory Eggs ?


Fish Herder
Feb 20, 2011
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hello i was looking at my dads tank and noticed these eggs spread up the filter he only had the corys for a week or two now he has 10 of them are these cory eggs thanks


They look exactly like what I had so I'd say yes.
Did you notice any of the cories swimming up against the filter casing repeatedly?
What other fish do you have in the tank?
flip there is a good few fish in the tank but more than one i have

golden nugget-3


assassin snails--30

pink kissers-2

balla sharks-- 5

silver dollar--3

yellow labs-- 4
Yup, those look like cory eggs to me. I'm surprised no one has eaten them, my rummy nose eat up all my cory eggs, rotten lil buggers!
no one has gone near them how long will it take for them to hatch?? thanks
3-5 days. The fry will go up to the surface for the first breath(very vulnerable at this point), hopefully they can hide from your other fish. The filter will suck them in unless you have a cover for it, like mesh or fine netting or something. Most won't survive and they take a few months before they are big enough to not get eaten.

Good luck!
3-5 days. The fry will go up to the surface for the first breath(very vulnerable at this point), hopefully they can hide from your other fish. The filter will suck them in unless you have a cover for it, like mesh or fine netting or something. Most won't survive and they take a few months before they are big enough to not get eaten.

Good luck!
ok i dont think any will survive if u can see in the picture the eggs are right beside my intake on the filter thats annoying :crazy:
Just scrape them off tomorrow morning (they should have hardened up enough by then) and put them in a breeder box until they hatch? When they hatch you can put them in another tank or even a large box like these with a sponge filter and a heater or two and they should do fine. mine are doing alright in pretty much one of these!
Just scrape them off tomorrow morning (they should have hardened up enough by then) and put them in a breeder box until they hatch? When they hatch you can put them in another tank or even a large box like these with a sponge filter and a heater or two and they should do fine. mine are doing alright in pretty much one of these!

im getting a breeder net tomoz what would be better the net or plastic box ?? thanks
The net until they hatch and then the box once they've been in the net for a week. The current flowing through the net will help keep fungus off the eggs and makes them easier to find when first born.

Make sure you have food suitable for newborn fry, or they won't last long. Oh and don't feed them until they've lost their yolk sac, you can see it pretty easily because it's bigger than the fry!
Just a quick tip for you, make sure you only feed them a small amount of food small enough for them to eat. My lovely boyfriend decided to drop in an algae wafer, meaning I woke up this morning to 90% of the fry dead. :/
thanks everyone but the eggs got eaten was on way to get the breeding net and had a quick look and they were gone

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