Cory Eggs


Fish Crazy
Apr 12, 2006
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Ok woke up this morning and found around 100 cory eggs in my community tank :/ . I was not quite ready for this yet as my other two tanks are not up and running atm. I have put the eggs in a livebearer breeding trap as this is all i have.

Is there anything in particular i need to do?
yeah, go buy a small tank, say 3 gallons, you'll need a heater and an air stone.
Also buy some Meth' Blue this will help stop fungus developing on the eggs.

Place all the eggs in the tank, and ensure an airstone is in the tank and bubbling away, so there is good water movement.

In the live breader trap the fry will just swim out through the gaps they will be tiny.

You will need to also get a microworm culture started, to start feeding the fry once they have eaten their yolk sacs.
You can get Liqui-fry from interpet, but I've never managed to raise fry for more than two weeks on this.
You could try vinegar eels instead, which ever is easiest to get.
Ok studz i'll speak to you later. Theres no chance of me going and buying another tank. The hubby will literally shoot me then there will be noooooooooooooooooooo babies :p Any chance of raising them in a community for the time being at all?
you could do it by floating a tub in the community tank, with an airstone, but I'm not sure about the meth blue in a community tank
Ok bucket it is then.... now need to find some microworms. Oh and how long before they start hatching?
Ok we are using a washing up bowl instead :D hopefully this will do for the first week or two

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