Cory Eggs


Fish Fanatic
Feb 22, 2006
Reaction score
west midlands,uk.
hi all,my peppered cories laid egges four days ago.i managed to get 20 out the tank then i had to get my son from school.when i got back all the other eggs had been eaten (probaly the goldfish).anyway the eggs are in there own tank with an air stone,none of them appear to have gone fluffy,fungused or question is how long do they take to hatch?when should i give up hopeing to get fry & bin the eggs?cheers for any help! :) x
thanx for the reply the devine one!fingers crossed for the next couple of days then!so if they havent hatched by sunday shall i just give up on them & wait til the cories lay eggs again? :) x
I'v egot a thread on here about ours.. I'll just have a look at the dates...

found them on the 15th... had fry on the 21st (didnt check them on the 20th )

so your looking at 5-6 days ;)
hanx for the replies smithrc & guppy man,just looked at your website,yuve got some lovely tanks & fish!!!!so if i leave the eggs alone til monday say & none have hatched then i def wont be gettin any babies from new at all this so sorry if im asking silly questions! :) x
Hi flumpit2 :)

If the eggs still look sound, there is still a chance they will hatch. If they have a fuzzy appearance, they won't. Water temperature plays a part in the length of time it takes them to hatch, so if your tank is at say, 71 degrees it will take longer than it it is at 76 degrees F. :D
Hi flumpit2 :)

If the eggs still look sound, there is still a chance they will hatch. If they have a fuzzy appearance, they won't. Water temperature plays a part in the length of time it takes them to hatch, so if your tank is at say, 71 degrees it will take longer than it it is at 76 degrees F. :D

whats that in ºC ?? :p

the tank ours are in are relativly cool at about 23 -24ºC (just looked thats 74-76ºF)
hi inchworm,the tank is set to 24 degrees C (got a heater in there).ive looked through a magnifyig glass at the eggs and most are a beigey colour with black dots in them,theres also a couple of eggs which are a whiteish colour but there all still round and havent become mis-shapen or anything (they still look quite hard).ive been reading through this forum & have seen pics that have been posted of fungused eggs & read people saying that you can see white thread type things (the fungus) etc,mine dont look/sound like just gettng a bit worried now because its coming up hatching time & nothing seems to be happening.i think im just over excited & cant wait for things to happen (if they do happen).and im just unsure of how long to give the eggs before i give up on them as a lost cause. :) x
Hi flumpit2 :)

As long as the eggs have't developed fungus they still have a chance to hatch. Just be patient and wait to see what will happen.

If they don't hatch, (or even if they do) continue feeding your corys heavily on live or frozen worms and they will probably spawn again soon.

Good luck with them. :D
cheers for the advice inchworm & everyone else!!!this is a really great,friendly & helpful forum,im glad i stumbled across it (purely by accident might i add).il let you know if any of the eggs hatch and then il probaly be posting a 'help,what do i do now topic' lol!!! :) x
hi all,just thought id let you all know that i got up this morning & 3 of the eggs had hatched.theres now 11 fry swimming around in my tank!!!any one got any idea how long i should give the rest of the eggs before i remove them?some of them still look like theyv got fry moveing around in them,but i dont want to leave the eggs to long or they may contaminate the water. :) x
Just because you are waiting for a response: I believe the appearance of fungus is still the toss line.

By the way, congrats! I'm excited for you and your Cories!

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