Cory Eggs


Fish Fanatic
May 1, 2005
Reaction score
South Australia
ive had a single lonely bronze cory living in my community tank for something like 2 years after i was told it would be ok... i moved her out of the community and into my to be cory tank and on sunday bought 3 new, small bronze cory's.

to get to the meaning of the story, i came home last night, and there are eggs all over the tank, in the plants, on the glass.... i have no intention of raising them, just yet anyway. if any survive ill look after them. my question is how long do i leave them in the tank to see if they will hatch or not? ive got an internal filter which i will turn off when the time approaches... assuming no one eats the eggs in the mean time.

Thanks for any help in advance
Hi Tiggle :)

It takes about 4 days for cory eggs to hatch. Unless you have strong water circulation over the eggs they will develop fungus and need to be removed.

If your tank is heavily planted, a few might survive, but if you don't, the tiny fry will most likely all be eaten.

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