New Member
Got some! Have managed to rescue quite a lot of eggs, so fingers crossed... !!
Got some! Have managed to rescue quite a lot of eggs, so fingers crossed... !!
Got some! Have managed to rescue quite a lot of eggs, so fingers crossed... !!
Congratulations, Aeneus fry are pretty hardy so raising them is by no means impossible. How many eggs did you rescue, and what kind of set-up do you have for them?
Rez B)
Thanx for the tip - we put it in to keep the water moving, would just an air stone be better?
Filter swapped for air stone, let's see how we get on...
If they've not hatched in five days, shall I give up on this batch?
Can someone tell me how long it will take for them to grow to the size to go in my community tank
they hatched 2 days ago