Hi rarefish
You have received good information so far.
Since your spawning group are all of the same species they will be fine. Some of your fry will probably be one color and some the other.
The challenge with raising cory fry is that they need to eat as much as possible to have rapid growth, but at the same time, the tank should be kept as clean as possible since they are resting on the bottom where the uneaten and decaying food and wastes end up.
This is why microworms are good. They are live food with a high protein content to promote tissue growth, are small enough for very young fry to eat, and live in the water for a period of time. It takes a couple of weeks for a culture to get going good, but if you think you might want to raise another batch, or raise other kind of fry, it's well worth starting one.
Here's a link to the place I bought mine, but there are also sellers on AquaBid:
In the meanwhile, I'm not sure if it's a good idea to feed the freeze dried brine shrimp. I've never heard anyone's experience with it, and it might be too concentrated or have shell in it. I would suggest holding off on that until they get a little bigger.
Your fry will grow quickly. Please continue to let us know how they are doing.