Cory Eggs!


New Member
Oct 17, 2005
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hi im new here, i just wanted to say hi and tell a story(it took place in the last week)

ok, so im out of town at a pet store and i was thinking of buying a cory and a few female guppys for my ten gallon tank. So i buy 1, and 5 female guppys, and the next day 1 guppys died 1 with a visable sign of fungus and one giving birth!! So i go and buy some medaction (a little too late) and the next day 2 more guppys die!! but i keep puting in the medaction, and the next day there doesnt look like theres any fungus left but 1 more guppy died!! the next day(yesterday)the last full grown guppy dies!but something weird happend!my corys had laid eggs!!i was able to save 3 eggs before they were eaten :D so i put them in with my guppy fry.

now i dont know what too do sould i keep putting medaction in or sould i stop?
hi fish-lover
have you just got the 1 cory in there ?? if you have the eggs won't be fertilised as you need a male in there to fertilise the eggs. also corys like to be in groups of at least 3 or more. hope this helps :D
there is 2 in there(1 has just bin in there for 1 week). i know they like too be in groups but 2 died in the Q-tank :-(
well good chance they fertile cory eggs then sorry just pursumed you had only 1.
to start with make sure theres a good flow of water around them an air line or the flow from the filter will do this. medication depends on what meds you are using as i'm pretty sure of them are no good with corys (some 1 correct me if i'm wrong).
the eggs should hatch in 4-5 days you will need liquidfry & microworms to feed them & regular small daily water changes.
i'm sure some 1 else will be along soon to give you better advice than me, but good luck & keep us posted on how they do.
my corys have just layed eggs again & i've managed to save 8, thought it was 6 but did a recount :D
4 long days are over!i think one of the eggs hached! they fry is really dark. the problem is its just laying there :sad: im worried that it might not be alive :-(
hope that the cory fry is ok, it should have a yolk sac to feed it for the first couple of days. not sure if they swim straight away as never managed to get any to hatch yet, the best person is inchworm as think she knows just about everything about corys.

Hi fish lover;

I'm no fish expert but I do have 3 totally adorable baby cories swimming around my tank. My daughter says they did it without my help! Smartarse...I'd like to think I had SOMEthing to do with it! ("fishkeeping 101" not "bungler got lucky!")

I went away for vacation and came back and "wait a minute what the heck is that dark snakelike thing that just swam away...CRIKEY a baby corey!" (my niece just came in for 10 days to feed and put lights on and off) I agree, they are very small and dark and I mistook the first one for a rock! That's how still they can sit. It got poked lightly by the siphon tube and my long pebble swam off! :lol:

I can only presume that the combo of some large piled up smooth pebble rocks in the back of the tank, giving safe cavities, plus a large clump of java moss beside that meant some eggs escaped the tetras and guppies and cories and snails, all of whom think corey eggs are mahvelus. The eggs must have been protected by the rocks and once the fry hatched they just dove into the java moss. I thought I had one baby then for ages I thought I had two but now another baby has shown up, clearly from a different hatching. WOW. :wub: And he's the cutest of the lot too. Now they're all chugging round the tank with their mommas and poppas. So far as I can tell it's quite normal for them to stay totally still then dash madly around. Sometimes they go off around the tank on what I call a "chugging" not beer, just hunting for food again. :nod:

I have read that corydoras only manage a few years of life--I hope that's right or I'll soon run out of room because one of these mommas is 4 1/2" long! No, I'm not kidding about that. Another is 4" at least. So much for 3 inches! :rolleyes: I bet you if I had a 55 gallon tank not a 29 gallon THEN they'd be only 2 inches. Sheesh.

ANYWAYS, how is your fry doing? Have you put anything like a shrimp pellet in there that will sink to the bottom and soften and he can mouth on? Are there any tiny leaf plants like java moss in the tank or any plastic plants that have been there for awhile and might have microorganisms on them? I suggest the need to PM inchworm or put out a general call on the Catfish Index--- "Attention Inchworm"--then she'd know to come here. Sorry I can't help regarding fry food....although I do have Brine Shrimp Pellets that go into powder easily and the fry could easily eat that, if it's placed below the surface of the water it will sink rather than just sit on the surface for the guppy fry. It's a very fine powder, just their size. I wish we had live foods here or even frozen ones. Hope others help.....and CONGRATS on the eggs and babies! :thumbs:
its doing ok i guess. i have a small bunch of java moss in the breeders net with them as well as hortwort(they are both live)any way im feeding the that luided fry food that you can buy at the pet store in the morning and at lunch and around 3p.m and 7pm i feed them crashed up flacks/blood worms (i put them together)
am i doing it right?
and there is this oil stuff on top of the water but its only in the breeders net part, is this good?
Hi fish_lover :)

I'm sorry to say this, but your little fry don't have very much of a chance with the arrangement you have for them. :sad: They need lots of clean water and a nutritious diet to grow properly.

Liquid fry food is good for them in the first days of life, but after that it would be good to move them up to something more nourishing like microworms. These are very tiny live creatures that you can raise yourself from a small culture. IMHO, it's well worth the little effort it takes to keep one going.

The oily film on the surface of the water is from the Liqufry. It's not a good thing to have there. Like any other kind of uneaten food, it will soon spoil and pollute the water.

Depending on the species of corys you have, you might still have a chance of getting more eggs, and it could be soon. I would strongly suggest setting up a tank just for them to spawn in. Then when the eggs appear, you can move the parents, clean up the tank, and raise the fry right there. Such a tank is easy to manage and IMHO, the best way to raise a nice batch of cory babies.

I'll be happy to help you if I can.

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