Cory Eggs? What Do I Do?


New Member
Apr 21, 2006
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Kelowna, BC, Canada
I know how stupid is this but how long does it usually take pepper cory eggs to hatch? What are the signs ect. I know my cories are fertile as I've seen babys before when I clean. They never survive though, they just dissapear. I'm guessing my goldfish suck them up.
Also does it matter what you feed them on as long as it's small? I'm such a newb even though I've been trying my hand a t fish for 2 yrs now. :X
If you want any to survive to adulthood, you need to remove the eggs or young fry to another, smaller tank.

Feed them live foods small enough for them to eat. Things such as microworms, baby brine shrimp, etc.
my peppered cory eggs took 5 days to hatch at a temp of 24 degrees C.dakota ice is right in saying that there best chance of survival is in a seperate tank.not only will your goldish eat the eggs but peppers are also well known for eating there own eggs aswel.imo you need to move the eggs into a seperate bare bottomed tank with an air stone under the eggs to stop do not need a filter until tere atleast 4 weeks old then only use a sponge one.once the eggs have hatched you need to do daily water changes (i do 25-30%) & clean out any uneaten food.i feed mine microworms but you can start them off on a liquid food (from 24hrs after hatching)for the first few days (this makes a mess in the water tho and may require bigger water changes) then you can always change to a really fine powdered food is the best for them tho as it helps them grow quicker. shaz :)
I knew enought to remove them and I do have them in a seperate area, it's been about 4 days now so all I have to do is wait. I can see black marks on the eggs inside to.
thats the fry eyes that you can see,sounds good so far!give it another day or maybe even two & they should hatch for you(the gestation time depends on the temperature theyre kept at).how many eggs did you save?have you got a tank for them cus it will be quite a while before theyre big enough to join the pepper fry are nearly 10weeks old now and imo there still to small to be in with the adults.

have you decided what you are going to feed them after they have used up there egg sacks (they need feeding 3/4 times a day)?remember that the bottom of the tank has to be kept as clean as possible or bacteria will grow which could harm the fry (a bare bottomed tank is best as you can see the uneaten food easier).i remove any uneaten food about an hour after feeding,unless its microworms as these can live for upto 24 hours in the water.goodluck & let us know how you get on. shaz :)

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