Cory Eggs, I Need Help Asap


Fish Fanatic
Feb 15, 2006
Reaction score
Chelmsford, Essex
I have just looked in my 20g tank and saw there is about 120 eggs from my corys. i know this cause i have had them before. In the past i have tryed to get them to hatch with no prevale. In the past i moved them out of my tank and put them in a big jar about 1 gallon but they got bacteria on coz i didn't put an air stone in. the other times i have just left them and they got eaten :(

What i want to know is, if i put them in a 2 gallon jar with an air stone will they make it?

I would love to see them hatch please help thanx :D
Hi allaboutthefish :)

If you move the eggs very carefully and add an airstone, most of them might hatch for you. If you add a drop per gallon of Methylene Blue, that could also improve their chances. These measures will keep fungus from developing on them, which is what happened to your other batch.

However, that is only the beginning of things; you still have to think about raising the fry. At some point soon you will need to move them up to a larger tank to give them room to grow, and you will have to feed them. They are very small at first and need very clean water and lots of food.

What kind of corys are they?
Hi allaboutthefish :)

If you move the eggs very carefully and add an airstone, most of them might hatch for you. If you add a drop per gallon of Methylene Blue, that could also improve their chances. These measures will keep fungus from developing on them, which is what happened to your other batch.

However, that is only the beginning of things; you still have to think about raising the fry. At some point soon you will need to move them up to a larger tank to give them room to grow, and you will have to feed them. They are very small at first and need very clean water and lots of food.

What kind of corys are they?

Not sure what kind as i have got albinos and peppers in my tank. i lost a lot of them as i had to go away for the weekend and my partner was looking after them. i've got 3 left. i've put them in a 3 gallon tank with bare bottom, and a box fillter. i've been feeding them baby brine shrimp, that i reared my-self. i think their about 3 days old now and i can see that they have been eating the shrimp as they have orange bellys hehe.
Can't wait to see them grow, aparently they go brown next, but not sure at what age. :D i'm all excited and can't wait for my catfish to lay more eggs, coz i'll be more prepared this time.

P.S Will albinos and peppers breed together?
Im glad your eggs have hatched, and good luck on raising them! Don't worry about loosing them, and just concentrate on this three :) Sounds like a good setup, and good food source.

Albinos and peppered i dont think will breed together, but albinos and bronzes will because they are the same species or family... Forgot which one :p
Thanx dobbygolem. I just wonderd as i thought they where all the same species just cross breed by humans. Silly me. I'm looking forward to naming them when they grow, and i'm getting some more panda corys as i think there beautiful.
Hi allaboutthefish :)

Both the C. aeneus (albino) and C. paleatus (peppered) are prolific spawners and if you feed them well with bloodworms or blackworms, you should be getting more eggs soon.

There are almost 300 different species of corydoras identified. They seldom cross breed and there are very few man made varieties. These are pretty much limited to long finned and color variations. Cory fans frown on that kind of thing and prefer looking for the beautiful variety of colors and patterns nature has to offer, :D

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