Cory Eggs - How To Rescue Them


New Member
Jan 1, 2006
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Milton Keynes

My Albino Cory's have spawned a few times, but so far nothing has survived - I'm planning to get a small tank to transfer the eggs to next time, what is the safest way of transporting the eggs without damaging them?

Thanx :)

My Albino Cory's have spawned a few times, but so far nothing has survived - I'm planning to get a small tank to transfer the eggs to next time, what is the safest way of transporting the eggs without damaging them?

Thanx :)

I personally use my fingertip, because I feel that I have the most control with it, I have sucessfully moved eggs with my fingers and they hatched. Right after cory eggs are laid they are very soft and sticky, but shortly after being laid they become fairly hard and are quite durable for fish eggs. I have found that as the eggs harden they become much less sticky. I have heard of people using the edge of credit cards and even razor blades, but I choose my fingers. Inchworm will have the best advise for you on this topic, she is the Cory guru :)
Make sure you wait at least 8 hours after the eggs are laid before you try to move them. Also do your best to not expose them to the air. I use a clean cup or you could even use a pot, just make sure its clean, and put the eggs in that way. You should be able to gently re-stick them to the glass in the new tank. Make sure you have a constant flow of water over the eggs to make sure they do not fungus. I use a air stone for that part. They should hatch in 3-4 days and then the fun really begins B)

Good Luck

EDIT: Grammer

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