Cory eggs hatching

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Li'l Ole Fish Lady
Aug 31, 2003
Reaction score
New York
A dozen of my favorite corys, actually all my big mama and papa bronze and albinos corys, were just recovering (in a 10 gallon hospital tank) from a bout of bacterial infection when they began to spawn last Tuesday night. :D

They did it again Wednesday night. ;)

And again Thursday night. By this time, I had never seen so many cory eggs in one little tank.

Today, Saturday, they have started to hatch.

I'm so excited, not only because of all the fry, but because these were fish that were so sick that I had started to think I was going to lose them. The happy parents and aunts and uncles are recovering from their spawning in another 10 gallon tank, and will soon be able to return to their home tank. :thumbs:
I'm pleased for you Inchworm!
Just wanted to let you know that I've read through months of posts - yours are always friendly and helpful. You always take the time to welcome a newbie. Thanks!!!

Congrats Inchworm!! I wish that would happen here! I would love to have more cory cats, but I need to cut back on my spending! I :wub: Cory's
I'm soooo very jealous. My spanwed once, but I found out too late and came to empty eggs :unsure: I will probably try with my cories again since i know my lfs will buy them from me.

Hopefully you can make some extra $$ on the side too. Well good luck with the fry and i wanna see pics or else :crazy: :lol:
Congrats Inchworm

I'm not mommy yet, but hopfully one day I will be ready. To bad you don't live in
my area, that way I would always know who to get healthy cories from :D

I agreee w/ Alaska- your posts are very helpful, what would we do w/o our resident Cory Expert. ;)
They must have been tired!! Congrats on the fry!! :thumbs:
Thank you, everyone, for your kind replies. :*) :D

They are still hatching and the fry are acting like typical little corys; they are all piled up on top of each other, on one end of the tank. :fun:

The big corys are still doing well and are showing no signs or a recurrence of their infection, although I'll be watching them closely for a few more days. :thumbs: The females are actually looking much slimmer than they had been.
I looked up this thread to make a final post on it. :sad:

The last of this giant spawn went off to the lfs today as the first stop on their way to their permanent homes. This would have happened much sooner if it had not been for the very cold weather we have had in New York this year. I held them back to avoid the risk of giving them a chill on the bus ride to the store.

Between this batch and one I had already brought to them, well over 200 baby corys survived to go on to other cory lovers. :thumbs: I hope they will be well taken care of by their new owners.

I will miss them! :byebye:
wow, i was very confused!! i missed the date on the original posts, and then i saw your update, and did they go to the lfs when they are only a few weeks old?? heheehee...just a blonde moment!! :p

congrats on the success with the babies! :thumbs:
aww Inchworm thats great to hear you have raised 200 corys from sick parents! :hyper:

im sure they're thankful for what you've done for them :nod:
but i bet its really sad to see them go :(
but look on the brightside, now you have some empty tanks for more corys :D


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