Cory Eggs Hatched What Do I Do Now?


Fish Gatherer
Jan 31, 2005
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i just had some of the eggs hatch what to i do now?. i have powder brine shrimp and crushed flake do i feed now? or wait till they all hatch?

some of the eggs have white stuff over them is it fungi if it is do i get rid of those eggs with white stuff on.
ive never had cory eggs before thats why i want to do the best for these guys can you help me out :D
Hi guppy_man :)

Congratulations! :thumbs:

You don't have to do anything for at least 24 hours while they absorb their yolk sacs. Then you can try other food. LiquiFry is good for a few days if you use it sparingly.

If possible, try to get a microworm culture started or hatch some brine shrimp. It's important to feed them well to help them grow fast but it's also important to keep any excess food from spoiling and breeding bacteria. Feeding live food, which will stay alive for a while, makes it easier and is very nutritious for them.

Can you tell us a little more about your fry tank? Is it bare bottomed?
yes i will get liquifry tomorrow.
my tank is a 5gal with an airstone to keep the flow going and a heater at 77f. yes it is a bare bottom.
is the setup ok :)
Thats what I have done so far. I used a bare bottom tank for easier cleaning and also used an air stone for oxygen in the water. The hard part is doing water changes everyday since the tank is not cycled. You learn to be very gentle. One quick question: Do you plan on having all the fry that hatch from the 600 eggs in that 5 gallon? :unsure:

EDIT: If some of the eggs have fungus on them, then you need remove them quickly to make sure it doesnt spread to the other eggs.
Hi guppy_man :)

Have the rest of your eggs hatched yet? :unsure:

Please use the LiquiFry very sparingly and be sure to do big water changes every day. You might even need to do it twice. I strongly advise getting them off it as soon as possible. Here's a link to BigC's thread. He sells microworms in the UK and I understand that members who have bought from him have been quite pleased with their purchases.:

You cannot buy them at the lfs and it takes a week or two to get them growing, but then you will be able to have food for this batch of fry and any more you have in the future.

Since your tank is so small, you will find it hard to keep clean. There is a film that develops on the glass that must be removed and you might have a hard time getting your hand into it to rub it away. Just make a little water movement at the bottom and the fry will move to the side you aren't working on at the moment.


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