Cory eggs found


New Member
Oct 16, 2016
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Hello, today I had the unexpected pleasure of finding 7 small Cory eggs stuck to the side of the tank. After reading up on them and how to hatch them etc I read that I needed to isolate them from the other fish - at the minute I have a small nursery set up in the tank in which I am currently raising some guppy fry, and was wondering if this would be a good place to put them until the hatch (the fry are about 4-5 weeks old) unless the fry would snack on them too. As well as this, I could put an air stone underneath the eggs to save them from fungus, however if I can't put them in the nursery, where should i put them? Also, if I put my filter up against the glass, it forms a kind of secluded area which the fish would find hard to get into, so that could be an option. Anyway, all help is appreciated as always,

- Kez


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Eggs are likely to be eaten by most any fish, and even fry could bite on them. When I have found cory eggs, I carefully remove them (they are very delicate at first until they harden a bit) and place them in a breeding net (photo below) that you can hang on the side of the tank. Water circulates through, but fish cannot get inside.

You need to provide food, and here dried leaves work very well. Infusoria, the first food for all fry, will grow on the leaves as they decompose. Oak, male, beech all work, or you can buy almond leaves in some fish stores. Once the eggs have hatched, I add a couple of shrimp pellets. This method works for a few eggs/fry, you need to be more sophisticated if you intend raising dozens.

fry net 1b.jpg

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