Fish Crazy
My cories have just started laying eggs again, so far theres around 60 on the glass, the last batch of eggs i had they all fungused.
Any ideas??
Any ideas??
Hi. If you have clean water to begin with and good circulation over the eggs, I would avoid using MB. It will kill all of the beneficial bacteria in your filter, for sure. I'd look into using alder cones, instead. JMO. - Frankdid you add, meth' blue? and did you ensure there was FULL water circluation over the eggs?
if you didnt do both of these, theres your problem
C'mon. It's almost 2007. Google is your friend! - Frankyeah what is Alder Cones?
Tolak! Is that a new moderator designation. I don't remember seeing it. You will make a great moderator. Are you moderating a specific forum?