Cory Eggs, Advice Please? X


New Member
Dec 22, 2005
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Hey guys!
Found some eggs on the front of my tank today :D totally unprepared for such an occasion, hence quick research on what to do on a Sunday evening when all shops are shut. This is what I've come up at short notice! Is this ok? The bottle has a few small slits in it so hopefully there should be some water movement in there. It's positioned by the outlet and there is a power head facing it from the other side. Also stuck the air stone in there.
There are 13 eggs that I've managed to stick the inside of the bottle (using the roll off, roll on technique) and there are about another 10 that sunk to the bottle, on top of the sand.
How do I know how many are 'good'? Is there anything else I can do? Should I go and buy some sort of net/trap to transfer the eggs into or will they be ok in here?

Thanks in advance!
Charlie x

Edit: having issues attaching picture on my iPad so I've put the link....
Smart idea by the look of things for the short term. I'm presuming it was a water bottle.

When I found cory eggs I chopped up some tights and put some wooden skewers through sponge and embedded it into around the top making a make shift net.

The next day I moved them again into a breeding trap but I found out that when they hatch they are tiny! They escaped through the vents and got eaten so I again moved them into a small microhabitat tank which was there home for a few months until they were big enough to out into the main tank.

I wouldn't recommend all of the handling that I did as this encourages fungus growth.

In a few days you will discover the bad eggs go a dull colour before eventually going furry.

I would suggest a new small tank with a bubble filter though and clear bottom. This will allow you to clear any uneaten food.

Clean water quality is very important.

For these cleaning /water changes I used a length of air tubing that usually go to an air stone. I was careful but it is inevitable that you will suck some of the babies up. I put a jug in the sink that allowed me to catch any of the escapees then reversed the suction to out any back into the baby tank.

Hope this helps.

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