Cory egg grew!


New Member
May 4, 2020
Reaction score
Wales, UK
You may remember I posted a photo some months back showing eggs on my aquarium glass. They didn’t last, and over the weeks several more batches appeared and perished. I noticed two Cody’s digging a cave under the artificial log but thought no more of it, other than that they were possibly looking for food.
two weeks ago I was very surprised to see a single baby Cory in the tank, he has grown over the last couple of weeks and I have just taken a photo.


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Lovely, if your tank is set up properly you should always expect to get some young surviving when your fish spawn.
I keep finding 1 or 2 Panda Cory survivors in my HOB filter body when I do a fortnightly clean. Usually about 3 to 4 mm long, have to net them out & put into a net breeding trap in the main tank, they grow quickly then in with the growing shoal of Pandas :D
Really great. Congrats.
Corys don't dig cave to lay eggs in, so they were looking for food as you thought.

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