Hi cybergoldfish
Welcome to TFF.
It's sad that you are joining us because you have such a problem with your corys. I hope we can help you get it resolved so that you are able to participate without such a worry on your mind.
First, it would help if you would answer some questions and/or add some information to your signature. I would guess you are in the UK because you mentioned the medication Myxazin and I know it's available there. Also, how large is your tank and what fish do you have?
Have you done any chemical tests recently? It would be good if you could tell us the Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate readings and the temperature you keep the water at. It will help us make a better diagnosis of the problem.
Now, the most common diseases of corys are usually bacterial in origin and Myxazin should help with that. Also, Interpet’s Anti-Fungus and Finrot is a good medicine for this kind of thing. You might hear MelaFix mentioned as an antibacterial, but IMHO, your corys are in too advanced a state for that.
First, give your tank a good water change and vacuum the gravel well. This is very important. This is to reduce the number of bad bacteria that might be in there. Then slowly lower the temperature to no higher than 75 degrees F. This will help to slow their reproduction while your fish is healing. If you can add an airstone, it will increase the oxygen level in the water, and that could help too.
Please post back with the information I asked for and we can see if there is anything there that might indicate another or perhaps a different problem.