Cory Death


Fish Fanatic
Jun 9, 2005
Reaction score
Lancashire, England
I have had a couple of abino Corys along with a Panda Cory for about a month now. They have been looking great and have always been the healthiest looking fish in the tank.

About 10 days ago I noticed a couple of tiny wite dots on the tails of my guppies which was clearly ich. I began white spot treatment straight away - so now 10 days in. The white spots disappeared a while ago and I am nearing the end of the treatment period. I thought I had got away with just the loss of a single platy.

Alas :no: Last night one of the albinos was gasping and lying on its side. I first tested the water and then did an immediate 25% water change.

Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 10
PH 6.8 to 7.0

It did not make it through the night and was dead this morning. The other albino and panda seem fine. Any ideas as the water quality seems fine and the ich must be nearly gone? :/
Well corys can't always tolerate the full dose of whitespot med.
Laying to one side can mean a bacterial infection, did the cory bloat up or darken in colour.
Hi Wilder

Not sure if it is male or female as they were both the same size. I suspect they were both female as they were quite stocky.

The body didn't really bloat up much however I could see that its stomach was definately sticking out when it was on its side.

It definately lost its 'sheen' and the gills looked possibly redder/darker.

The treatment states 5ml per 45 litres. I am only putting in 4ml into the 63 lite tank due to the corys presence.

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