Cory cave ideas


Fish Crazy
Mar 30, 2021
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Stick with me on this one.
As previously stated I am going to have a large gang of dwarf corys , 50+.
I want to create a cave large enough to house the whole gang.
I do not want to use rock. A personal preference thing.
Have seen loads of ideas from coconut shells to pvc pipes , but they don't really match what I'm looking for.
Have considered a terracota wall pot covered in moss/plants but again not quite what I want.
Thinking of possibly a group of smaller caves that lead to a larger cave but no idea how to create it.
I want to keep things looking as natural as possible so will be aquascaping with sand substrate , a variety of wood and live plants.
Any ideas welcome and if you have a picture even better :fish:
You could do a big piece of spiderwood, remove the inside branches and cover it in moss mats or dense anubias or ferns. I don't have a pic of what it would look like, but it is an idea.
Corys don’t use caves. They sleep out in the open or among the plants. They would appreciate some kind of cover in case they’re startled for any reason, but in nature they would just dive in amongst the plants or under/behind submerged roots or branches.
Corys don’t use caves. They sleep out in the open or among the plants. They would appreciate some kind of cover in case they’re startled for any reason, but in nature they would just dive in amongst the plants or under/behind submerged roots or branches.
Have lots of wood to go in to create natural hides so may leave it like that.

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