cory cats

you dont NEED to, but it is much better for the cories (won't damage their barbels/whiskers) is relatively easy and very cheap to switch over from gravel to short, you buy play sand (silica), rinse very, very well....remove gravel with some kind of cup...begin pouring sand in with the same scoop (make sure to turn off filters) avoid suspended sand when you do water changes, place a plate on top of the sand and pour the water onto that...

there are quite a few topics out there about siwtching to sand and i believe there is even a pinned topic (can't seem to find it right now)
The topic mentioned before can be found here: Pinned Topic on Sand

Personally, I'd say sand is a must for corydoras, gravel will rub down their barbels and can cause it to become inflamed. If the gravel isnt kept completely clean, this will lead to infections and sometimes even death because they're not able to eat.

If you're worried about the tank having to go through cycle again, don't worry :) If you get the gravel from the cycled tank, put it in stockings (panty hose, tights, whatever it's called over there ;)), tie it up on both ends so nothing can fall out, and leave it on top of the sand for about a week, the tank will stay completely cycled. The beneficial bacteria from the gravel will stay in the tank and after a week they will have moved into the sand as well :)
My mom has 6 cories in her tank with just natural looking gravel and they couldn't be healthier. I would only advise against gravel which is sharp, of course I would advise against it for any fish.
Erised said:
Personally, I'd say sand is a must for corydoras, gravel will rub down their barbels and can cause it to become inflamed.
Aggreed 100%

they may do well with gravel, but when on sand they are a very diferently activg fish; to put it another way they are happier.
I keep all of my cory's on gravel. But it's a extra fine grain gravel I use. I find it easier to keep clean, when it come's to vaccuming it. And never had any trouble with the cory's injuring their whiskers or (barbels). I also been using the same gravel for years, and really don't want to change over to sand now. I know a lot of people that raise their cory's on sand and swear by it.

we moved our pandas from a gravel tank to a sand tank and the difference was amaxing - they are loads more active and are alway diggin for food - something they coulnt do in the gravel - they even sift the sand through their gills now

loads happier with sand:)
You don't have to change it, but they do enjoy sand more generally.

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