Cory Catfish


Corys will go with a lot of fish. They're very peaceful, good community fish. Overly aggressive fish will bully them.
I don't have any experience with angelfish, but I started with two blue gourami, one started bullying the other so I got rid of one.. Anyway, the one gourami started to be a bit of a bully towards my corys.

I'm sure many people have done it with success, but it didn't work for me. If you do get some, make sure you get a group of the same type.. They're much happier that way (this is another thing I messed up with!)
I don't know much about angelfish, but blue gouramis can get to about 15-17cm (6"), so assuming angelfish are similar, you're probably pretty well-stocked if not overstocked already. They're pretty large fish for a 10g.

I'm sure someone more knowledgeable can shed more light on the subject.
you probably can't fit either of those in a tank. You could keep four+ smaller cories and something like a sparking gourami... Or another small fish. Sorry if sparklings not small, i thought it was.
Sparkling gouramis -- Trichopsis pumila -- or croaking gouramis -- Trichopsis vittata -- would be an excellent choice for a 10 gallon tank. Both species are small and relatively benign, though as with gouramis generally, males are territorial. They would mix well with Corydoras.

Corydoras really need a bit more space than a 10 gallon tank if you want to see them swim about happily in a decent sized group, but they will survive in such a tank fine, particularly the smaller species. In a 10 gallon tank you could also keep Corydoras with things like neon/cardinal tetras, a cherry barb or two, or kuhli loaches. If you could find them, Heterandria formosa (dwarf mosquitofish) would be a superb addition to such a tank, and give you all the fun of fish breeding as well. Avoid fish that need lots of swimming space despite their size, such as danios, rasboras, platies, or guppies.

Angelfish and blue gouramis absolutely CANNOT go in a 10 gallon tank. They are both far too large. Also avoid dwarf cichlids, which will hurt the Corydoras as and when they decide to spawn. Even things like Apistogramma and kribs have been known to pluck out the eyes of Corydoras!

Cheers, Neale
No. Please understand that 10 gallons is a tiny amount of space, and you really cannot expect to put many fish in there, or any large fish either. Stick with small species that don't need a lot of space. You are probably safe with a three or four small Corydoras species (such as Coydoras panda) together with six or eight small tetras, like neons. Neons and cardinals don't move much, and are happy to hang out in a group in a shady part of an aquarium by the plants. If you want something active and colourful, you might go with a male Siamese fighting fish, which would work nicely with Corydoras. Because they aren't able to swim very well (thanks to those unnaturally long fins) they do rather well in small aquaria, certainly better than in bigger tanks with more boisterous tankmates. Don't mix Siamese fighters with anything other than Corydoras without doing some reasearch first, because they tend to be nipped or harassed by other fishes.

Avoid anything big: angels, mollies, blue/yellow gouramis, silver dollars, kribs, red-tailed black sharks, plecs, etc., however small and cute they seem in the store. Once you buy a larger tank, 20-30 gallons upwards, you can experiment a bit more with larger fish. But for now, play it safe and go with small, placid species that won't mind living in a very small aquarium.

Cheers, Neale

Thanks for the infomation. would two corys and a blue gourimis be good in a 10 gallon tank?

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