Cory Catfish And Ammonia


Fish Crazy
Apr 7, 2008
Reaction score
USA, Colorado, Denver
Making this is really not an emergency, and I hope it isn't, but just to be safe! I have 3 cory catfishes and since ive had them for almost 2 weeks now, I really haven't seen them to eat, unless they do it at night. Ive dropped food near them, only for them to temporarily appear to eat and then poke their nose elsewhere.
My ammonia reading since I first started up the tank with fish, 3 weeks now at least, has always been at .50ppm., 0 nitrites. Some say that this level of ammonia may be stressing out the cory's and that's why they dont eat. Im using the API test kits.

Anything I can do right now? Im concerned for the health of these fish and dont want them to suffer. Or maybe Im unnecessarily concerned, but i want to check here first instead of going to the fish store and having them tell me to do someting that may not be best.
Ammonia should always be 0ppm.

It sounds like your tank hasn't cycled. Do daily water changes until your ammonia and nitrite both read 0ppm. :good:
Problem is I have ammonia in my tap. Whjen Ive tested just the tap water, it readings about the same.
Perhaps I can use another water conditioner instead of Stress Coat, like Prime, to help out with this?
I would ask about prime in tropical discussion more members go over there.

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