Cory Cat Sensative To Light


New Member
Jan 10, 2007
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My cory cat seems to be really sensative to light, is there light I can use that wouldn't hurt him. I also have a few plants, anubias and sword.
My cory cat seems to be really sensative to light, is there light I can use that wouldn't hurt him. I also have a few plants, anubias and sword.

If you want less light you could always put electrical tape around the bulb.

That's an old piranha keeper trick and they would wrap it in the old barbershop fashion.

Or block the reflectors on the hood above the bulb.
Why do you think the cory car is sensitive to light? And what's you tank size and lighting?
10 gallon tank, the lights bulbs that came with the setup. White light. After the light is turned on for about 30 minutes the cory stops moving and hides, as soon as I turn off the light he starts moving again. I have a albino cory cat, if that makes a difference.
i have 2 albino cories and they do berserk when i turn on the lights. they stop moving when they enter a cave though, where they breathe rapidly to recover. this happens even when i gradually increase the brightness of the room before turning on the tank light. i have a single 10w fluorescent bulb in my 10 gallon.
Has he got plenty of shelter to make him feel more confident? And do you let the day come gradually, first turning on the room lights and then the tank lights 10 minutes later? The other thing that makes corys more confident is having other corys around, as they are schooling fish and should not be kept on their own- but of course, this may not be practicable if there is no tank space. Have you had him long? My corys were quite easily spooked when I first got them, but now when I've had them 2 years, they take things in their stride.
What color is you substrate? If you have those cheap white or bright color substrate, the light maybe reflecting off the substrate and stressing the fish?
Our albinos go crazy when the light comes on. As do our melanistius in our other tank but theyre quite skittish still anyway. Not sure why as substrate in both tanks is fairly dark.

I think dark backgrounds help too, and we took the reflector out of both tanks to make it easier. We also changed the bulb.

Apparantly fish cant see red light, so putting a red bulb in your tank should allow you to see the fish, but them not to get freaked.
Mine did that. I finally figured out I was waking them with the light. :X Now I stand infront of the tank until they notice me and start stirring. Then turn on the light. The danios stir and wake the corys. Then they see me and get under the plants and stuff. Then the light don't freak them out. :)
They know what I am doing, because at night I do the same thing (standing there) and instead of hiding they come out to see me and get excited. They know it is feeding time. :hyper: During the day they just ignore me. :shifty: unlesss I have the camera... :whistle:
I do the same thing every day so they know what I am doing. They learn pretty fast too. :nod:
They know what the camera is too now. :snap: I can just sit it by the tank and they will hide until I put it where they can't see it. :blink: Then they will slowly come back out. :shifty: They are so fun! :#
the lighting you are using shouldn't HURT the fish, but I think all of us would be pissed if we woke up by someone just flipping the lights on in out bedroom. :)

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