Cory Breeding Tank


New Member
Dec 25, 2005
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so far my 60 litre tank has been running for 1 week fishless cycle and another 2 weeks with 3 harliquins in it, they seem very healthy and fit. im going to the goldfish bowl in oxford tomorow and plan to buy some corys. i also have 2 other mature tanks. therefore if i buy some cories do you think i should put them in my breeding tank tomorow, or in my two other tanks (there is lots of room for them) and give it a couple more weeks. i tested water quality and all is fine at the mo. also i can purchase RO water near to my home for £4 per 25 litres should i use that in my breeding tank with the proper buffers will it benifit breeding?
can any one recomend a PH meter i have upto £40 to spend will that be enough? also how many cories should i put in? i was thinking 6-8 with no other tank mates. will that be fine?

sorry about all questions but i just want to do this properly.

thanks ;)

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