Cory Breeding, I Would Like To Know How You Do It!


Fish Fanatic
Dec 4, 2011
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hey guys. so my cories
peppered, juli, albino, spotted.
always breed all the time and ive actually had 9 peppered cories successfuly make it to adult hood whcih they are in my other tank.
i see a whole bunch of eggs on the side of the glass all the time but i never no how to properly take them off and hve them succesfuly hatch.

all the cory eggs that have hatched in my tanks have been on small accesories so i just put them in a breeder net and they hatch in there or they hatch in the tank by them self and grown up on there own.

but now this topic is for you guys to tell me how you get eggs off the wall of the glass, put them in whatever you put the eggs in, and just everything ou do! thanks
I usually use a credit card to gently scrape them off - make sure you put something underneath to catch them in!

You could also just 'roll' them off with your finger.

I then put them in one of those breeding net type things which is positioned by the outflow from one of the filters to keep the eggs well oxygenated. Then just late nature take it's course!

Thanks you.
And scraping them off with your finger won't damage the egg?
with the pepper cory eggs i squashed a couple using my finger, but got most off with fingers

i think the panda corys spoke to the pepper corys about this, and the pandas laid eggs on plant leaves i only had to remove the plants
I usually use a razor blade ... VERY carefully. Then I put them in a regular net and position it by the outflow of one of the filters. But I've had the best success when they lay them on plant leaves, then I can just put the whole leaf in the net.

I wish I could get more peppers to spawn! Got lots of bronze younguns, though.
My Peppereds spawn like crazy, I find there babies in the main tank all the time! It's proy cuz I have 4 females and 1 male and a new female is ready to breed alot. I think I'm going to try the razor blade, then somehow get them off of it! I just wish they'd have most there eggs on things I can take out! Lol
When I use the razor I have the net right under it. They usually just fall in. It's best to wait an hour if you can so they harden up just a bit.
was just reading this when i looked at my corys and seen eggs up the glass :hyper: i couldnt believe it i just rolled them off wif my finger as there really sticky and i put them in a breeding box in the direction if the outflow of the filter :)
and i really wish the stores around me would get pygmy cories! they never have the fish i want:(

i scraped a few off the wall yesterday! and i foudn about 10 eggs on the powerhead and now have those and the other eggs in a breeder net next to the other powerhead and i really hope they hatch! this week must have been nantional have baby week!
first my albino bristlenose plecos laid there 2 batch of eggs as there first batch is only a month old, all 3 of my female guppies, and 2 of my female platties and now these cories! its been a great week, i love babies!
i have a feeling i wont be successful in this i have about 20eggs in a breeder box inline of the outflow of my u2 filter... do corys take long to grow ?
I think the only way to successful rear the fry is to invest in a fry tank. Otherwise it's a matter of luck and how much cover you have for them in the main tank. A number of times I've had a single egg mature into a viable fry (I'm watching one right now who's grown to about half an inch long) and they just do that by their wits and the fact I have quite a bit of java moss and other hiding places for them. Yesterday I found about 40 eggs attached to my filter intake, so I just have it covered with a small net to keep the others from eating them, but I don't know how all that will turn out. I could easily get them into a fry tank, but then what? Not enough room in my tank to raise them all.
yeaa know what ya mean in this thank there in in the eggs and 4corys just but the parent will it there young wont they ?
I just roll the eggs on my finger and pop them in a net in position with the filter flow as already mentioned...

My albino's are currently laying plenty of eggs, i currenlty have a few dozen that have hatched and have just got some more eggs this morning... the ones that have hatched seem to be doing well.

Im not bothering to save anymore as i have enough, i have a family member who wants some so that should narrow my numbers down.

Im planning on posting progress pictures soon, but in the middle of packing due to moving atm. :rolleyes:

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