Cory Breeding And Sexing


Fish Fanatic
Apr 3, 2012
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I have 2 albino corys. I've had them about 1 and a half months. How do you tell the genders apart? How can you breed them? is there any specific things the fry will need? eg lots of plants or sinking food?
i have 2 70L tanks. one fry tank with a couple of platy additions who are juvinile and were picked on.the other has 4 mollies (3 females and 1 male), 2 dwarf gourami( males ), 4 rummy nose tetras and 2 albino corys.
Will the fish eat the fry or eggs?
Corys are happier & more likely to breed in larger groups, at least 6 is a good number.
Sexing can be tricky, but generally the females have a more rounded appearance, have a look at Akasha's "Trying to breed my cory" thread
The other fish you have, & even the parents will eat the eggs if they get chance.
The fry are tiny when first hatched, I fed mine Hikari first bites, for the 1st week or so, then moved on to brine shrimp eggs.
hi random919 sexing cories is really difficult - nigh on impossible if they are young. I've successfully managed to sex my peppered (2 female, 2 male) after about 4/5 months of trying but I'm still uncertain about my 6 bronze cories. I'm currently trying to get a photo of my fully grown female and male peppered sat together so I can show the difference.

In general the female is bigger all round. She'll be fatter than the male and possibly longer too. The male is slim and sleek - that's the only difference which is why it is so difficult.

As for breeding - IME they need to be over about 8 months old and just leave them to it. There are some that say cold water changes and feeding lots of blood worm gets them spawning and it can help but I've found mine just do it when they are ready and no amount of prompting them works.

Cory fry are hard work. First you'll need to collect the eggs and put them in a egg tumbler for up to a week then once the fry hatch keeping them alive is the hard bit. Changing water twice a day and trying to get them to eat is the worst of it.

If you have other types of fish in your tank they will eat the eggs (so will mum and dad too!) and they will eat the fry too.

I'll look forward to reading about your attempts though. I'm documenting mine at the moment and it's been a long road so it's always good to read about other's efforts and maybe learn something I've not read or heard before

All the best
Akasha :)

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