Cory Breathing Hard

Hi atmmachine :)

That's not normal behavior for corys and there is a possibility that it could be the beginning of a problem. I would suggest that you give your tank a big water change and bottom cleaning and watch him for a few days. If any other symptoms develop, treat him for bacterial infection immediately. :D
ok well he has been this way ever since i got it from my grandpa and was wondering if this was a problem been going for about 8 months
Hi atmmachine :)

Then he probably isn't coming down with something, which is good.

How are your water parameters? Do you use salt in the water? Does he make more frequent trips to the surface to gulp air than your other corys do? :unsure:
sorry i dont have a test kit since my grandpa never had one and he had 62+ years of expierence in fish and he never used one and i just realized the importance of them reacently and i dont get much money in the winter so i cant get one yet so sorry but no i dont use salt and a few times a night both corys go to the surface and jump out then go back in they have done this ever since i got them
Hi atmmachine :)

I'm sure your grandfather had a fine tank. I didn't use the test kits when I started keeping fish either. But, when something goes wrong, they often make it easier to figure out what it is. Often solving a problem can save the life of a fish.

Until you get yours, perhaps the people at the lfs will test your water for you. If so, ask what the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate readings are. If you ask for the numbers when they test them, someone on the forum can tell you if they are OK. Don't worry about needing to check the pH.

It's good you don't add salt because it is not good for the corys, although there are many fish that it doesn't bother.

Corys sometimes go to the surface to gulp some air. They are able to absorb some oxygen through their intestines, which helps them survive when their rivers get muddy. It's nothing to worry about as long as they just do it once in a while. If they start doing it more than usual, you would start to wonder if there is enough oxygen in the water. :D
well they did it every since i got the tank from my grandpa when he died so i dont think its a big deal and i think the reason he didnt have a test kit is they werent out adn popular when he started having fish but his fish didnt die much he also picked out the best fish he would sit and watch the type of fish he was going to get for over an hour deciding the best one to get
ok inchworm one of my corys died they are really old but i am thinking maybe there isnt enough oxygen in the water do you want me to tell you everything that is in my tank like my filter so you can tell me if they are taking out the oxygen can you help me out at all do i need to tell you anything i only have one now
well both corys are dead now i think it was a mix of old age and not enough oxygen shortened there life but what is a good way to add oxygen to the water?

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