Cory / Beta / Groumie

Happy Fish

New Member
Mar 25, 2003
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This is kind of an odd question -- but has anyone ever had a cory that grooms or preens a groumie or beta? We've got a small one that will spend about a half hour a night tending to two pearl groumies and a beta. They seem to enjoy it - they stay perfectly still until he's done. It's just the weirdest thing. Has anyone else seen this?? :blink: :hyper:
I've never seen anything like that. But then again I don't have any cories. Sounds pretty interesting to watch though.

It is very interesting - just wondering if anyone else had seen the same.

I highly suggest getting a young cory or two (or three). They're the favorites of the tank at this point! :rolleyes:

These young ones were added to a community tank with mature pearl groumies and a beta -- and it took a little time before the grooming started. We also had two mature cories, but they never acted this way.

Fish. Gotta love 'em.

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