cory being attacked by other fish


Oct 9, 2003
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im not 100% sure, but always during feeding time, my bolivian ram gets pretty aggresive and chases away the fish that are eating the wafer or whater that he is pickin on.

today i saw that my peppered corys fins are pretty torn up.

is this normal for a bolivian ram? he is the only ram in the tank, and im waiting for my store to get more so he can have a buddy or enemy to release his anger on instead of the other fish.

is this a good idea to get another bolivian?
opinions please, thanks
Like most cichlid Rams tend to get agressive when dinner time comes along, you might find that adding more rams might end up in the death of your cat fish.
I don't really have that problem as the kribs (in my case) eat from the top/middle and the corys eat from the bottom.

Is the tank big enough to put the ram's food at one size and the cories at the other?
yeah its a 46g, thats what i just thought of actually,
another question......

how common is it for any fish in the aquarium to have nipped tails/fins?
panboy said:
another question......

how common is it for any fish in the aquarium to have nipped tails/fins?
It depends on the species really, in semi agressive tanks i would expect to see some minor damage to scales and fins but fish that are this way inclined usually have fast powers of recouperation, fish that would be included in this would african cichlid communities, large territorial cichlids, puffers, pirhana, barbs and some gobies.

In normal communities with peaceful fish there shouldnt be any fin nipping or fighting going on, if there is then the aggressor/s should be removed. Injuries such as nipped fins and missing scales can lead to disease outbreaks and fungus in fish that do not have the same healing powers as their fin nipping relatives.

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