Morning all
I have a 200 Litre planted aqauarium with the following fish
1 angelfish
12 Black neon tetra
9 Rosy tetra
2 BN plec
5 Sterbai Cory
4 bandit Cory
About 6 weekd ago, 1 of the Sterbai started behaving strangely. Allowing itself to float at odd angles in the current, darting around at incredible speed doing somersaults and crashing into objects, and then acting normally for a couple of days, then odd again for a few hours. I have thought him to be close to dead on several occasions, only to see him swimming around with the other corys and eating the following day. Then 5 days ago, I spotted a bandit cory playing dead, lying near the surface in one of the plants. I watched him for a few minutes and he eventually started swimming around again. I have been ill for the last 5 days and have not been observing my fish, but today I seem to be missing 2 bandits, I have watched for hours and nothing, so can only assume they have died - but tank is far too densly planted to find any bodies.
Edit - Tonight one has reappeared, so assume only the one which had been looking under the weather has died.
The last water change was 6 days ago - 30%, but when I tested water this morning, I can see that tank PH is up to 7.4 ( normally 7.0), so tested tap water which is always at a steady 7.0, and this in the region of 7.6!, could an instant swing from 7.0 to 7.6 following my water change have effected my bandits? All other water params are good (Ammonia and nitrite=0, nitrate less than 5, KH - 3, GH-5, temp-26)
Has anyone had similar experience of strange behaviours in sterbai cory?
One other thing is that the tank is fairly tall - around 50cm,although there is plenty wood far nearer the surface which they do spend alot of time on - could this stress the bandits?
Appreciate any advice
I have a 200 Litre planted aqauarium with the following fish
1 angelfish
12 Black neon tetra
9 Rosy tetra
2 BN plec
5 Sterbai Cory
4 bandit Cory
About 6 weekd ago, 1 of the Sterbai started behaving strangely. Allowing itself to float at odd angles in the current, darting around at incredible speed doing somersaults and crashing into objects, and then acting normally for a couple of days, then odd again for a few hours. I have thought him to be close to dead on several occasions, only to see him swimming around with the other corys and eating the following day. Then 5 days ago, I spotted a bandit cory playing dead, lying near the surface in one of the plants. I watched him for a few minutes and he eventually started swimming around again. I have been ill for the last 5 days and have not been observing my fish, but today I seem to be missing 2 bandits, I have watched for hours and nothing, so can only assume they have died - but tank is far too densly planted to find any bodies.
Edit - Tonight one has reappeared, so assume only the one which had been looking under the weather has died.
The last water change was 6 days ago - 30%, but when I tested water this morning, I can see that tank PH is up to 7.4 ( normally 7.0), so tested tap water which is always at a steady 7.0, and this in the region of 7.6!, could an instant swing from 7.0 to 7.6 following my water change have effected my bandits? All other water params are good (Ammonia and nitrite=0, nitrate less than 5, KH - 3, GH-5, temp-26)
Has anyone had similar experience of strange behaviours in sterbai cory?
One other thing is that the tank is fairly tall - around 50cm,although there is plenty wood far nearer the surface which they do spend alot of time on - could this stress the bandits?
Appreciate any advice