Cory barbels


Fish Herder
Jan 5, 2005
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Are cories meant to have stringy bits on their barbels?
Hi Lynz781 :)

No, they are definitely not. :no:

Cory's barbells are sensory organs that help them find their food and need to be in good condition. When they begin to deteriorate, it is usually a sign of high nitrites in the water or bacterial infection.

It is most important that you determine the cause and correct it immediately!
ITs not nitrites. I hope its not bacterial infection, they won't sit still to let me see. :grr:
Hi Lynz781 :)

If it's not nitrites, you can be pretty sure it is a bacterial infection. The only other thing that seems to hurt barbels is sharp gravel, and I don't think that the result would be as you have described.

I suggest that you immediately do a big water change and add MelaFix, if you have any at hand. This might help. If your fish don't show improvement by tomorrow, then do another water change and get some more serious medication.

How often have you been doing water changes? How much do you change? Are any other fish showing any odd symptoms? Do you vacuum the bottom when you do water changes? :dunno:
Hi Inchworm,
It's gravel I have in the tank and I realise it may not be ideal. However I've had 3 peppers for about a month in there now and they are fine, Apart from the weird barbels.
I do a ten litre water change every week. And i try hoover up the gourami poo, he makes a mess. I have one flame gourami and ten danios and they are fine just now.
Oh god, i turned the tank light off and shone a torch in and i saw white little worms on one of the cories back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It appears thats whats on the barbels too.
Hi Lynz781 :)

Are you very sure that you are seeing worms, or could it be bits of the cory's skin sloughing off? This, or a cottony looking growth is consistent with it being a bacterial infection, which is the most common thing that happens to corys. :unsure:
Well they look exactly like tiny white worms. There doesn't appear to be any cottony parts. I did a 1/3 water change last night and added melafix I feel I'm overfeeding as there has been alot of white stuff on the glass. So they are not getting fed today.
I have recently been putting in an algae tablet in every day for my gourami to stop him eating plants and it makes alot of mess. :unsure:
Hi Lynz781 :)

Overfeeding is one of the worst things you can do in a tank with corys. :eek: Harmful bacteria tend to feed on it and reproduce. If a cory is weakened by any kind of stress he is prone to being infected by them.

Now, let me rule out planaria. These are tiny white worm like things that will appear on the glass if a tank is being overfed. They are harmless, but a symptom that a problem needs to be corrected. I do not think they will attach themselves to fish though.

Please check this thread out. While your fish might not have Columnaris, other bacterial infections are similar and should be treated the same way.

The first thing I suggest you do for either problem is a good tank cleaning and vacuuming to get rid of all the excess food and fish wastes. Then, unless it is planaria, give the medications recommended in the link.

If the condition persists on the fish, you might want to give it salt baths which I will describe if needed.

Good luck and I hope your cory improves. :D
Hi Inchworm,
Could you please give me info on giving salt baths? I'm confused because I've read cories don't tolerate salt? :S

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