Cory Babies!


Fish Crazy
Apr 3, 2007
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hi everyone! as some of you may know, i've been having some health problems in my tank. i've just finished treating and will be doing a large water change tomorrow. what has me amazed is that with all the meds & sick fish in my tank, my corys have chosen to breed. what should i do with the eggs? i don't want to move the parents, as my little 5g isn't fully cycled. any suggestions?
You could get a divider or small nursery. It floats in your existing tank and allows for fresh water to move in and out of it. Or you could let it be and see if any survive :crazy: because your cory will probably be laying more eggs in a couple of weeks :hyper: . Just a few suggestions! Hope it all works out!!! :good:

I usually put my cory eggs in a suspended net cage near the filter return that way they get good water circulation around them. I'm not sure if the medications will make the eggs sterile or unviable but still worth a try to raise them. I love my little cory babies when they start looking like mini adults, they are so cute :wub: . The large water changes that you have been doing is what probably made them decide to spawn in the first place, so if this lot doesn't survive you know how to get the parents in the mood again when all your other issues are sorted out.
Good luck and keep us posted.
well, i've moved as many of the eggs that i could... there's a few in the back that i can't reach, so they're on their own... only a few seemed unviable (were still white compared to the tan color of the others) they were a little tricky to remove from the glass, but i got the method down at the end! i hope they all make it! :D i've never bred fish before (not even guppys) so i'm looking forward to trying to raise these little guys. :wub: i'm not sure what i should feed.... i have some freeze-dried brine shrimp, would this be ok, or is it too big? it's hard to find baby fish food here.

oh, and they've been moved into a net breeder cage . i'm keeping them in the main tank for now, as it'll be easier to look after them there.
I always have some weed from the main tank in the breeding net with the eggs, I find it the easiest way to carefully scrape the eggs off the razor blade on to the weed. The weed provides shelter and hiding places for the newly hatched fry and I am sure it invaribale comes intact with micro foods that the fry will be able to eat. I have tried liquid fry food for babies in the net but honestly it played merry hell with the rest of the tank, so I stick to finely crushed flakes which I swirl around to make sink to the bottom, sinking shrimp pellets (the wardley brand I find crumbles up quickly in water and babies have no problems eating small bits of it) as well as the odd sinking wafer as again it breaks up fairly readily. The adult catfish are always snuffling along the bottom of my breeding net trying to suck any food out so between them and the fry there isn't any food left in the net to cause any problems. You can also give the fry newly hatched brine shrimp (if you can get them, and always rinse well first to get rid of the salt), as well as daphina.
great thanks! how long until they hatch?? i can see the fry inside the egg, but no one seems to want to come out! :lol:
It is just a few days from fertile eggs to fry. Are you prepared to feed them very small foods yet? Even newly hatched brine shrimp will be way too big for them.
This belongs in the Corydoras section. I'll move it for you.

BTW, here's a link to an article about cory breeding that you might find helpful.
Would love to see some pictures when they hatch :)
If you want to use freeze dried you can always crush them so it looks like a powder, works well with my platy and swordtail fry, also try putting bits of plants and algae in there.
If they hatch i will!!! I'm a little concerned that they haven't hatched yet... i don't see any fungus, and they are a beige-tan colour with little black specs inside... how long should it be? it's been 6 days...
Huzzah!!!!!! They've hatched/are hatching!!!!! :hyper: i just checked, and many have hatched over night, while others are in the process of hatching. i'll try to get pictures, but they're so small, and my camera isn't that great. they're sooooooo cute!! :wub:
well, my little guys are doing well so far.... i can't stop watching them!!! :lol: now one of my females is laying more eggs! :hooray: she's laying most of them in the hornwort this time, so i think i'll just leave them & hope they survive. if any get laid on the glass, i'll move them, but i don't want to disturb the plants.
keep the water in good condition with regular changes and they should be fine. i feed my fry small powdered food for the first few weeks, can easily find it on ebay. Hikari first bites i think it is.
I love watching these little guys... i still haven't managed to get a good picture, as my camera is really bad a focusing on small things. there are so many of them! i never thought to count the eggs, but i'm sure i have close to 20 fry in this little net! :hyper: now i just have to figure out what to do with them when they're grown!! :D
I wouldnt go too mad until they are 4 weeks or more, they could all just snuff it over night :(

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