Corry floating to top


Fish Fanatic
Jul 4, 2004
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Tank size: 10 US Gal
2 water heaters set at 79 Deg F
1 air pump connected to an "S" line tube to make bubbles in the tank
4 Aqua Fern Plant
1 Cryptocoryne Lutea Plant
Number of fish: 7 (4 corry catfish and 3 Corydoras Catfish. 5 of these fish are les than 3 weeks old)
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0

Tank was cycled 6 months ago and has had fish for 5 months now.


Today when I got home I did my weekly 21% water change and found one of my corries dead at the bottom. :-( No idea why? This is the second weekend I have left the alone with an automatic feeder (1 catfish pellet per day) and last week they were fine. So I took him out and placed him in a holding tank as the corry is still under "warranty" per the LFS.

In any case the water change was uneventful with me vaccuming a section of the tank and adding the dechlorinated water with STREE ZYME in it as well to help the corries as they HATE the water changes. :lol:

In any case 1 hour later I go back to the tank to see how they are all doing and I notice that one of the corry catfish is acting PYSCHO! He is swimming very radical up and down, going in circles and at times hitting the glass! :crazy:

When he finally stops as he dives he begins to float upwards and ends at the top of the tank on his side. He is breathing harder than the rest. A few minute of floating on his side at the top he starts again his PHYSCO swim. Whenever he stops he started floating upwards again as if he can NOT keep his bouyance. I'm not sure what is wrong with him.

All the othe catfish and busy swimming around or laying at the bottom of the tank resting except for this one? Any clues? Thanks
hrm... is this one also "under warranty"?

(PS -- Cory or Corry Cat is just shortform for Coryadoras. Do you know their specific species? That info may or may not be necessary.)
Four of the corry catfish ave black spots on them. The other 3 are most white/pink.

And yes the 2nd corry is also under warranty and I was thinking that if he continued like that over night I would also be taking him back. What bothers me more is the fact that both of them came from the same store, were quarentined for 5 days with the rest of them (bouth 5 that day) and now 1 is dead and the other is floating.

Is there any red/purple blotching on the underside of your fish? This may indicate some internal problem. I have had Corydoras with exactly the same condition, I suspected at the time it was an untreatable internal organ failure, and the fish later died within a few hours. You've maybe bought a bad batch of Corys from the shop. Hope it pulls through. :( :/
my pandas did that and it was when they got swim bladder disease.
Sad to report that he did NOT make it last night. I found him early this morning floating on the top of the tank dead in the left hand corner. :-(

I sort of knew this was coming but what makes me :angry: is why!!!! What did he eat/do? Was/is there anything I can do so that the others do not have this same fate. I was so mad/sad that I sarted the HTML file to auction off my tank, all the equipment, the fish and everything else fish releated on! I'm still working on the file. Six corries have died in my care in 6 months and I don't know if I can continue with the emotional collar coaster they put me thru!
Hi Jediagh :)

Could you have injured your sick cory while you were doing the water change? If it doesn't seem to be in control of itself and especially if it is spinning, it could have a swim bladder injury. If so, there's not really a lot you can do for him. He might recover on his own though.

I would suggest that you do a larger water change than you are doing. Corys love fresh and clean water and thrive in it. They usually like water changes too. -_-

If you are only going away for a day or two, it might be better to leave your fish without food than to use an automatic feeder. If there is left over food in the water it will spoil and feed bacteria that could infect your fish.

I hope your cory recovers soon.
Jediagh said:
Sad to report that he did NOT make it last night. I found him early this morning floating on the top of the tank dead in the left hand corner. :-(

I sort of knew this was coming but what makes me :angry: is why!!!! What did he eat/do? Was/is there anything I can do so that the others do not have this same fate. I was so mad/sad that I sarted the HTML file to auction off my tank, all the equipment, the fish and everything else fish releated on! I'm still working on the file. Six corries have died in my care in 6 months and I don't know if I can continue with the emotional collar coaster they put me thru!
dont feel bad. I maged to kill of 5 in two months adn have sworn off cories forever. Of course now they are thriving in my 10 gallon just to spite me. they arent even in large groups

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