Tank size: 10 US Gal
2 water heaters set at 79 Deg F
1 air pump connected to an "S" line tube to make bubbles in the tank
4 Aqua Fern Plant
1 Cryptocoryne Lutea Plant
Number of fish: 7 (4 corry catfish and 3 Corydoras Catfish. 5 of these fish are les than 3 weeks old)
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Tank was cycled 6 months ago and has had fish for 5 months now.
Today when I got home I did my weekly 21% water change and found one of my corries dead at the bottom. No idea why? This is the second weekend I have left the alone with an automatic feeder (1 catfish pellet per day) and last week they were fine. So I took him out and placed him in a holding tank as the corry is still under "warranty" per the LFS.
In any case the water change was uneventful with me vaccuming a section of the tank and adding the dechlorinated water with STREE ZYME in it as well to help the corries as they HATE the water changes.
In any case 1 hour later I go back to the tank to see how they are all doing and I notice that one of the corry catfish is acting PYSCHO! He is swimming very radical up and down, going in circles and at times hitting the glass!
When he finally stops as he dives he begins to float upwards and ends at the top of the tank on his side. He is breathing harder than the rest. A few minute of floating on his side at the top he starts again his PHYSCO swim. Whenever he stops he started floating upwards again as if he can NOT keep his bouyance. I'm not sure what is wrong with him.
All the othe catfish and busy swimming around or laying at the bottom of the tank resting except for this one? Any clues? Thanks
Tank size: 10 US Gal
2 water heaters set at 79 Deg F
1 air pump connected to an "S" line tube to make bubbles in the tank
4 Aqua Fern Plant
1 Cryptocoryne Lutea Plant
Number of fish: 7 (4 corry catfish and 3 Corydoras Catfish. 5 of these fish are les than 3 weeks old)
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Tank was cycled 6 months ago and has had fish for 5 months now.
Today when I got home I did my weekly 21% water change and found one of my corries dead at the bottom. No idea why? This is the second weekend I have left the alone with an automatic feeder (1 catfish pellet per day) and last week they were fine. So I took him out and placed him in a holding tank as the corry is still under "warranty" per the LFS.
In any case the water change was uneventful with me vaccuming a section of the tank and adding the dechlorinated water with STREE ZYME in it as well to help the corries as they HATE the water changes.
In any case 1 hour later I go back to the tank to see how they are all doing and I notice that one of the corry catfish is acting PYSCHO! He is swimming very radical up and down, going in circles and at times hitting the glass!
When he finally stops as he dives he begins to float upwards and ends at the top of the tank on his side. He is breathing harder than the rest. A few minute of floating on his side at the top he starts again his PHYSCO swim. Whenever he stops he started floating upwards again as if he can NOT keep his bouyance. I'm not sure what is wrong with him.
All the othe catfish and busy swimming around or laying at the bottom of the tank resting except for this one? Any clues? Thanks