Corrections Regarding Mysterious Fish Problem


Fish Fanatic
Nov 7, 2010
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OK. I unwillingly missled regarding two things:
1. I am testing since 11. december 2010
(but the levels on the strip show nitrites, nitrates,ph all ok since I am using the test strips and fish
are displaying all the symptomes as I described them in earlier posting)
2. I didn't explain proppely about the watter hardness - the watter is so soft that it the green squares don't
change the colour at all, only after reintroducing some gravel again - the first square in each line their edges
are turning pink - but it means still very soft

First 6 months of having aquarium I had loads of natural pebbles in - after developing the black stuff releasing
gas, I took almost all out and 3 months later I am having the problems described. Could it be that the water is too soft, could it be problem for fish? Or could it be that when I was changing water (that was before the problems started) I was taking out the filter system including the sponge and the good bacteria died and even I don't do that anymore - there is still bacteria imbalance?)I do use esybalance product. Does anybody know these
answers?Thank you Lucc.

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