Correct way to clean a tank?

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An empty tank, or one that is currently running with fish in it?

"Clean" is kind of vague. Is it grungy with algea? Brown stuff on the decor/glass? Water cloudy?
Is this a new tank or an established (several months set up) tank?
uhhh.. have you cycled the tank? if not ur in for it... how many gallons is the tank and what kind of fish do you currently have? how long has the tank been running? ok you should have a siphon and if you don't then you should go buy one. -any mediocre lps employee should know what a siphon is- and you should get a brand new 5 gallon bucket that has never been used and mark it all over on the outside of the bucket with aquarium use only signs. siphon like 25% of the water-make sure to put the siphon ito the gravel to get the fish poo out- when you get 25% of the water gone dump it out like in your backyard or something and do the maths- 25% of how many gallons your tank is is how many gallons? then you need to get some dechlorinator -hopefully you already have some- and with the 5 gallon bucket fill it up with the correct temperature of tap water so it is the same temperature as your tank into the 5 gallon bucket and add the correct ammount of dechlorinator. then put the water back into your tank. If you haven't cycled your tank yet. -im assuming on this.- you should do a water change every day. of oh i don't know. somebody else will tell you what percent to do every day cause im not sure. once you have an established (cycled) tank you should do a 10 -20%water change once a week. now you also need to change the filter cartrige every other week.

heres a link about cycling a tank using fish:

heres a link on water changes:

EDIT: algea will only grow in established (cycled) tanks. so it will eventually. when it does you can get an algea scraper (I prefer the magnetic ones) from a lps or lfs algea isn't bad for the fish unless theres just way too much in there.

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