Cories With Bns Plecos


Fish Herder
Jan 28, 2009
Reaction score
london UK
would it be possible to have a group of 3 peppred cories 3 panda cories and a trio of bn plecos
both are docils fish but the bn can b territorial
tank size 110litres possible tankmates
fan tail guppies x5
platies x4
german rams x2
cardina or neon tetra x14
how can it be mature if theres nothing in it?

leave the neons and cardinals and rams for 6 months and leave the panda cories for 6 months, try the hardier species first
not very experienced.... hence the questions

its mature because i took everthing out but it has been gong for a long time
basically it has been a bn home for about 5 months now they have been rehomed and i wanted to have some corys in the tank aswel but i will eventualy have to put in some smaller bn plecs as i have 3 ittle uns who need a new home, they are about 5 cm big and grwing out of thier sixty lirte ( it is a bit overstocked tbh)
so all im asking is are bns and cories compatible
wot are the dimentions of the tank also? mite well be 110 litres but that still could mean it length is only small as above says it need the waste from fish 2 keep the bacteria alive if not waste from fish an ammonia source at least if thats the potential stocking list then u will be over stocked with adding 3 bn's and 6 cory's also as truck says i would leave the pandas for a while and get some hardier species
thank you :rolleyes:

yeh i will add the pandas later
im thinking into the
there is still fish crap in the tank aswel
i dont know the exact ones but its about 18 inch high and 28 lenght not sure but its about 20 wide also << not good with guessing dimensions so i dont know and i dont have a bi ruler
would it be possible to have a group of 3 peppred cories 3 panda cories and a trio of bn plecos
both are docils fish but the bn can b territorial

Hi matchstickman47 :)

I have corys and BN plecos and they get along very well. The only thing you should be aware of is that the plecos make a lot of waste and corys need a clean bottom and fresh water. You might want to do bigger or more frequent water changes than you would with another combination.

I would suggest either a bigger school of peppereds or some bronze or albino C. aeneus, rather than getting pandas. They are a bit delicate and would be less likely to thrive with the BNs.

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