Cories, Sand, And Plants


New Member
Aug 21, 2006
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Cories like sand. Plants don't... usually.
Hence Seachem's Onyx sand. Its sand, but good for plants.
yay :D

here are the problems...
plants need a deep enough substrate for their roots to be buried. whats the minimum?? 1"?? More?? Less??
BUT, if the sand is too deep than the sand on the bottom that the cories won't be getting too will get stagnant and turn black. How could I clean this?? How do I avoid it??
I know there are certain snails that dig through sand and mix it up but will they uproot and move around my plants??
Will the cories uproot my plants as they scour the sand for food??

can my cories, sand and plants ever live in harmony? :sad:

Please help.
do what im doing and have sand cories and plants, except the plants are java fern and java moss which dont grow in the substrate but grow on rocks and wood instead :)
I have a pack of cories that live in my large tank. The substrate is laterite and onyx sand. I have it about 1" in the front of the tank and sloped towards the back of the tank. The back is about 1 3/4 to 2" deep. The largest plants are in the back and the front is growing a nice lawn of micro swords. My cories seem to spend as much time in the sand parts of the tank I left for them as they do wiggling around in the grass. :)

As far as uprooting things, they can on occasion until the plants get a good root system going. Starting the plants off, you may have to replant one or two every few days till they get good and anchored. Once they are, the cories won't root them up anymore.

On the sand turning stagnent, I know what you mean. One of my tanks has white sand in it, and is not planted. I can see the pockets where the sand is turning grey against the glass on occasion. In the tank with the cories, since its black substrate, I cant tell, but have had no noticable instances when I gravel vac. Also, once the micro swords started getting thick like a carpet, I couldn't gravel vac the sand there anyway. Its too thick with leaves. I think the plants may keep the problems down. I know they grow much easier than I ever imagined.

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