Cories Per Gallon

Yes, but make sure it is sturdy enough to hold the volume of water. Water weighs about 8 lbs per 1 usg. 24" x 18" x 12" would be about 22 usg? A plastic bin of 22 usg x 8 lbs = 170 lbs (actually over 185 lbs)? Whew!

Why 7 inches? That would be shallow for a Cory I think. 24" x 18" x 7" = 13 usg x 8 lbs = over 104 lbs. (Actually it is closer to 109 lbs.)

I would have some serious concerns about having that much weight in a critter keeper.

You could keep a group of 5 Corys in a 10 gallon tank with weekly water changes. A 10 usg glass tank is very cheap. The Heater and Filter would have to be added to a critter keeper anyway so that doesn't cost more. A light is not required and neither is a top for Cories. So you could a la carte your Cory tank adding as you have funds. You could come close the the price of the critter keeper and have a filter and heater included, but no lid or light to start.
thanks for the advice I even just saw a starter 10 gallon kit at my local pet store with a filter heater and everything u need for $50

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