

Steals the show
Jan 3, 2005
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how many cories should i keep togetrher as a minimum, i currently have 3 in my 16Gl (UK)

secondly otos again same question
do they have to all the exact same species?
for example could u have an albino a bronze and a panda?
i got 2 albino corys in my 20gal and they are the only original fish that have remained to this point (about 5 months)

they seem great! no diseases ever!
yes another good question arili, i was woundering that as well, i got 3 cories all panda, thanx to littelfishie. ANd i did have 3 otos although seems to have dissappered, so i guess you guys would advise me getting another oto or 2??
I'd say three minimum.
I have three otos, and 2 cories at the moment, one peppered and one panda as two of my pandas were too weak and died. I'll be getting another cory once I have more money for it.
cheers will head out for an oto 2moro!!!!! and a few more plants then will get some new pics up
They should be the same species. Most but not all alibons are Aeneus/Bronze cory so they should be okay together though some people claim they have to be the same color.
I have two Bronze, one Albino, two Peppered, two Surinam and a Haraldshultzi. During the morning and early afternoon, they tend to hang out with their own species, occasionally meeting up and playing with each other, but later in the day and especially after lights out they all school together as if they were the same species :)

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