Cories Loosing Their Barbels


May 4, 2003
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T.O (Toronto)
lately i dont even like my fish tank that much, i am even thinkin of giving up.

Cories are loosing barbels, the case of fin rot took out 100+ guppies, im just really sad.

Yesterday, my guppy gave birth, last time this happened seemed like forever. I was left my guppies that were too young to give birth after the fin rot.

so to solve problem # 1 i have decided to switch to sand. will my cories barbel grow back? sor some reason. the cories in my other tanks are ok, just not the 55 gallon. could it be dirty water? im using 2 filters, fulval 4+ and another hob filter. I guess ill have to buy a canister filter also.

i gave up, all i did was feed them, i didnt even bother to look at them, i have seeing sick fish, until i saw the new borns.

but the main question is, will the barbels grow back? will they be able to breed? mine are quite young curently

How often do you vac the gravel? Barbel erosion is most commonly caused by poor water conditions, bacteria or gravel that is too sharp. If you improve conditions they should grow back no problem. If you swap to sand the corys will love it. Once they grow back breeding shouldn't be affected.

Emma :)
Hi you should not give up on something like that you should change most of there water clean evreything and hope for the best the corys will give birth if you have nice clean corys and the new borns will have barbles and hopefully the other corys will forget and adapt with there barbles worn down so don't just give up and let the fish suffer.

Jimmy :angry:
lately i dont even like my fish tank that much, i am even thinkin of giving up.

Don't. We all make mistakes, what separates the sheep from the goats is whether we learn from them.

Cories are loosing barbels, the case of fin rot took out 100+ guppies, im just really sad.

As others have pointed out, 99% of the time, fin rot and barbel erosion are caused by water quality problems. Most probably either the filters aren't working properly, or you aren't doing enough water changes, or you aren't cleaning the gravel enough. Regardless, the thing to do is go back and look at your maintenance schedule. Is your tank overstocked? Do you overfeed? Do you stir the gravel each time you do a water change? How much water do you change? Do you use a dechlorinator?

As a baseline, forget about stuff like ammonia remover (zeolite) and carbon, and make sure your filter is packed with a decent quality sponge or filter wool. The filter should be rated in water turnover, and that should be about 4x the volume of the tank per hour. In other words, a 20 gallon tank should have a filter with not less than 80 gallon per hour turnover.

Adding extra filters won't make a scrap of difference if you don't maintain them properly. Make sure that you aren't cleaning the sponges (or whatever) in tap water, just aquarium water, and that you never switch them off for too long (certainly not more than an hour).

so to solve problem # 1 i have decided to switch to sand. will my cories barbel grow back?

Yes. I've written an essay on sand in aquaria elsewhere on this forum, and you might find it, and the comments and questions that follow, useful.


1. The guppies got finrot when i moved them. It was from my old house to my new one.

2. I have 2 filters in the tank, fluval 4+ and aqua clear 500. i Forgot but i think i have around a total of 500 GPH.

3. Water changes once every 2 weeks.

GuppiesRGR8: I never said i would leave it to let it suffer, I gave up on the tank, not the fish, i've changed my mind i guess, i'll give it another try. I breed cories, but for some reason cories from this tank are messed up. Guppies in my tank no longer have finrot. If i clean everything, wont that put me back at cycling mode?

I have a flucal 204 on a rekord 96. Not overstocked. Have an internal UV steriliser. Do w/c regularly. changed 50% one week, 40 the next... Normally do about 30% every three weeks as the tank has barely any inhabitants. Have about 20" of fish. One of my two sterbai cories has a barbel missing :sad: And they are full grown, they were brought into lfs in a two and had lived that way for ages. I did put a post to ask if anyone else had any for sale but no reply....
Yes cleaning everything will do more harm than good. Rinse the filter sponges in tank water then change no more than 50% of water at a time.

If you want to change to sand you can put your fish in a bucket/storage tub with the filter. Empty the tank (save some gravel in the foot of a clean pair of tights.) Clean the sand and add to the tank.

Fill tank with dechlorinated water and any water you have saved, get it to temp then add the filter and the fish as you would when you buy them new( add some water from the bucket/tub). Leave the gravel sock in the tank for 2-3 weeks to allow bacteria to transfer and you should have no problems.

Emma :)

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