Cories Layed Eggs!


Fish Crazy
Jan 3, 2010
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California, U.S.A
I was playing guitar when i noticed a bunch of "bubbles" on the glass next to the metal thermometer (kinda did that on purpose :hey: )
and i realized those were eggs.
cories are the only fish in my tank capable of mating right now (and are the only egg layers) so i know theyre cory eggs.
now i know i can expect babies within the next 3 days and all that stuff but i was just wondering some questions like:
1. when do i know if theyre fertilized?
2. Is a space in my tank made by a divider that provides 5-7g ok?

also, they are albino cories. this is my first batch with them!
what other fish are in the tank, my cory eggs have a habit of mystersly disappering. i think you have to find a way to keep the fish form eating the eggs.
Hi FWFishLover :)

If you have both male and female corys, there is a good chance that most of them will be fertilized. This happens during the process known as the T position, before the eggs are placed on the glass or other surface.

Since any other fish in the tank, including the parents, might eat the eggs or newly hatched fry, it's best to move them out into another container or tank. The new fry will be very tiny and if there is any space between the divider and the walls they might be able to get through.

You can take the eggs off the glass by rolling them off onto your finger than gently rolling them onto the side of a container. They will be very soft when newly spawned and will firm up a bit later. If you leave them too long, they will lose their stickiness and be more difficult to move. Then add an airstone to keep the water circulating over the eggs.

Whatever you decide to do, the good news is that you have corys who will breed for you. If you don't save this batch, you will most likely get another one soon. By then you can be prepared for them. :D

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