Cories Laid Eggs Again *update*


you don't know JACK FISH
Oct 30, 2004
Reaction score
Montreal, Quebec
Well my peppered cories finally decided to lay eggs again.
They would lay eggs every water change last year up until june when i moved. then they stopped laying eggs until last night. I did a water change as usual and they laid maybe 50 eggs i could see. around half of them, were eaten so me and my girlfriend scooped out about 20 or so eggs in a breeding trap.

we put the trap in the 10 gallon fry tank with an airstone in it so create current for the eggs.

now the eggs are white, does this mean they are fertile or not?

Every time they've laid eggs they were this color.

is there anything else i should do to help the eggs hatch? I'll get some liquid fry food tomorrow or wednesday, that's not an emergency as the eggs were just laid.

any help appreciated! :)
Hi yvez9 :)

Congratulations on getting the eggs! :thumbs:

If the eggs are fertile and have not been damaged in the move, they will have a solid look about them and gradually darken somewhat. If not, it will be clear in a day or two. They will get soft and fuzzy looking.

The most important thing to do, to prevent fungus, is keep a strong flow of water directly over the eggs. Keep a close eye on the corys too, because now that they have started spawning again, it's likely that you will get some more eggs in a week or two. The hard part is getting them out before they are eaten, and from what I've seen of peppered corys, that isn't always easy.

You will probably want to set up a 10 gallon tank to raise the fry in because when they are newly hatched they are a lot smaller than guppy fry, and even young guppies will attack them.

It would also be a good idea to order a microworm culture to feed them. This will take a few weeks to become productive, so the sooner you get started, the better.

Good luck with them. I hope your eggs all hatch and that the fry do well! :D
the eggs are already in a 10 gallon fry tank :) i keep them in a breeder net to prevent the guppies and platies from eating them! I also put an airstone right in the net to create current and there seems to be good water movement in there :)

As i said, they used to lay eggs every week after a water change last spring. I'm guessing they'll be doing the same now that they've done it once!

I'll try to raise these on liquifri and bbs for now and if they do well, i'll get the microworms going!

thanks for the info Inchworm!

The lights just turned on now so I checked the eggd

still white but i can see a little black dot in some of them i think

i really hope some are fertile!
on the 4th day

Most of the eggs have turned brown
We lost a few due to snails crushing the eggs and a few fungused as well but there must still be over a dozen brown eggs in there. I transfered them all to a proper breeding net.
Water is only at 74F so it might take an extra to hatch them

looking better than i expected so far!
I woke up this morning and most of the eggs were gone from the middle of the net were we had put them

i shook it a little bit and saw 3 little black spots dart around the net

then i looked around and i can see about 15 tiny fry hiding under the fram of the net!

only problem is the pet stores are all out of liquid fry food.
the must have hatched early this morning or during the night as when i checked them yesterday evening they were all still eggs.

anyway, i have powder food for fry we've fed succesfully to guppies
i'll hatch some brine shrimp as well in a few days.

wish me luck!
Hi yvez9 :)

Congratulations! :thumbs: Aren't they cute little things!

You don't have to worry about feeding them for the first 24 to 48 hours. They will still be absorbing their yolk sacs and won't need food yet. Perhaps you can get some of the liquid food by the time they need it.

Please take great care that they don't get caught under the frame of the net.

Lots of luck raising them. I hope you will keep us up to date with their progress too. :D

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