Cories in New tank


Moved On
Nov 15, 2004
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Wel My gourami Has Beaten Ich and is in The 55 with all the rest Of the fish. Would My corieds be ok in the 10 gallon. They are gettin Pickeed On and I want to Move them. Also what medicine would You suggest to get their Fins to growe Back? Melafix? I think they will be ok as it is an empty tank and Will have no predators but after seeing how active mY greens Are i am not sure.
Hi Fishy411 :)

I think your corys will be much happier in the small tank with more peaceful fish. :thumbs:

The most important thing to do to help them heal is to make sure the water is clean and fresh at all times. A little MelaFix added to the water might be a good idea in this case, but is not actually necessary.

Since they have recently been through a stressful situation, it's even more important that they have extra water changes for the next few weeks until they get themselves back to normal, in order to avoid bacterial infections setting in.

If you can feed them extra live or frozen Blackworms, blood worm or tubifex, this high protien food will help strengthen them and grow back their fins. :D
Thanks. Would carnivore pellets be a meaty food bcuz my Mom has a big objection to having frozen or live bloodworm in the house
Hi Fishy411 :)

I think so. what brand do you have in mind? If you let me know, I'll check the ingredients out the next time I go to the lfs.

Perhaps your mother wouldn't mind the freeze dried tubifex worms. They are dried and pressed into cubes. While there is nothing at all unpleasant about them, they are nutritious and the corys love them.

To feed them, break off a piece and hold it under the water until it becomes moist. Then rub it between your fingers and shake it until the individual pieces seperate. Your other fish will eat them while they are suspended in the water and your corys will eat the ones that reach the bottom. :D
alright. I have Nutrafin Max bottomfeeder pellets. I think i heard somewhere that catfish pellets are high in protein though.

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