Cories In Fry Tank?

fish mad

Fish Fanatic
Feb 17, 2006
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havant uk
Would it be ok to put a couple of cories in my fry tank? They wouldnt eat the fry would they?

Bad idea as the bottom of the fry tank will be very hard to keep clean and the corys need very clean water or their barbels will rot. Corys will eat small fry but won't usually actively hunt them. Mine love live bloodworms so i'm sure fry would also go down well.

Emma :)
I've been putting a cory in with newborn angel fry for years, usually a panda or albino. Corys love bbs, doing some of the tank maintenance for me. I have yet to see a cory eat live fry, angel fry are much smaller than bloodworms.
If their livebearing fry i seriously dout the corys would be able to eat one, they typically keep off the bottom and can move very fast. Your only problem will be keeping the tank clean to prevent the corys from getting sick.

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