cories in 75 gallon tank


Fish Fanatic
Jul 9, 2004
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how many cories could live in a 75 gallon tank just wondering what a good number would be
You've got a lot of space in there, but it would help if I knew what kinds you're putting in there. If you're getting some green emerald cories, I'd say about 5-10 of them. It depends on the cat and the siz, not to mention their temperment. -_-
I've got an 80 gallon and I think I have 4 sets of 3 different species of cories.
as of now i have 3 albino cories and i think that i would like to have some more of those or some of the cories with the black stripe that I have seen called "skunk" cories
well honestly i have 6 sterbai cory in a 10 gallon

so it's 6 cories = 10 g

you can have 7 species of cories with 6 each but that is if u only keep cories in the tank, like my cory tank with 2 guppies :D

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