Cories For This Tank?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 18, 2004
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I've heard Cories like a sandy substrate but i have pebbles. Can i still add them to my 29 gallon or will they hurt their whiskers?
Small pebbles with some round and some jagged/smooth. All different shapes and sizes.
I would cautiously say yes though the jagged bits are what concern me more than sifting through the substrate. Those could cut or wear down their barabels.
Hi there,

Any kind of substrate is fine with cories so long as they dont have sharp corners or edges. Remember their barbels are quite sensitive to minor infections so you wont want something that "can" cause that. Sand is good because they can find food easily inside sand as compare to gravel. The cories probably wont be able to move large gravels around if food is struck inside.

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