Cories For A Newbie


Fish Fanatic
Dec 30, 2006
Reaction score
Augusta, Georgia
I'm hoping to move 1 rosy red minnow and 1 ghost shrimp from a little 1.5 gal. to a new 20 gal. Cories are at the top of my stocking list followed by more ghost shrimp and some white cloud minnows.

I'm thinking 6 albino cories. What do you guys recommend? Other possibilities could include bronze, pygmies or pandas. Mostly I'm interested in cories that will be easy keepers for my first "real" tank.

Which would you stock first?

Great to see your thinking when upgrading your tank. Youve thought well: 6 cories to a group is best to see their full behaviour. With regards to difficulty, most cories arent particularly difficult: it really depends on what your water parameters are more than anything else. Pandas are generally less tolerant of high temps due to a prevalence in bacterial issues, while pygmies can be slightly sensitive to water quality. Bronze and Albino bronze(peppers and others also come in albino varieties) make a great choice if you want an easy cory, and are generally very forgiving. Just dont forget to cycle your tank ;). Good luck and welcome to the cory world.
One word of warning: When you get your cory's you'll end hooked on them :)
One word of warning: When you get your cory's you'll end hooked on them :)


The peppers are pretty cool, but the most active in my tank are the Albinos, but i lost two of them along the way, one of which was probably my fault, so i was kind of put off getting more, but i got an additional 2 and theyve been great ever since. Also have 3 baby pandas that are very nice and very active like the Albinos but more expensive than the others that are more commonly stocked :shout: But i think youve made a good decision in Albinos :good:

If i ever get any more itl be False Bandit or Adolfoi, beautiful little fellows!


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