New Member
Some of my cories are flicking in the sand rather a lot - no rapid gill movement, no sign of gill flukes (no microscope though).
I've just lost 10 fish - some with what I believed was Ich, some with no sign of Ich or any disease but with rapid gill movement and later loss of balance. The tank is 80 (to increase life cycle of Ich) PH 6.8 GH and KH OK, no nitrite, nitrate 10ppm, cycled, sand substrata, bogwood and live plants. I treated for Ich - last meds went in yesterday (on day 6)
Has any1 out there any diagnosis? Whatever the cories have appears to be spreading. Should I just do a water change and treat for gill flukes? There's no redness around gills, no excess mucus, no fish looking ill. I've scoured the net for a solution.
Thanks 4 any help / replies
Some of my cories are flicking in the sand rather a lot - no rapid gill movement, no sign of gill flukes (no microscope though).
I've just lost 10 fish - some with what I believed was Ich, some with no sign of Ich or any disease but with rapid gill movement and later loss of balance. The tank is 80 (to increase life cycle of Ich) PH 6.8 GH and KH OK, no nitrite, nitrate 10ppm, cycled, sand substrata, bogwood and live plants. I treated for Ich - last meds went in yesterday (on day 6)
Has any1 out there any diagnosis? Whatever the cories have appears to be spreading. Should I just do a water change and treat for gill flukes? There's no redness around gills, no excess mucus, no fish looking ill. I've scoured the net for a solution.
Thanks 4 any help / replies