Cories are Dying help


Fish Fanatic
Oct 23, 2003
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I am having some problems with my cories not sure why. My Nitrites are at 0 but there still appears to be a problem in my tank. For now I will do a 1/4 water change a week to see if it gets better. If anyone has any other ideas please feel free to help. I love cories.

Well we really don't have a lot to go on. Tell us more about your set up and your water. How long it has been set up, what other fish are in there, and how they are doing - that kind of thing.

Most commercially bred Corys are quite tolerant of pH and hardness, just not extremes, and temperatures a few degrees either side of 25C. They don't like salt.
There dying one by one.

Ph should not affect them so I'm not going to play With PH levels.

If my nitrite is at zero then my amonia is most likely zero also.

I guess I'll try 1/4 water changes once a week.

Your gonna 'try 25% weekly changes'? What do you do normally? And please answer these questions:

1. How long has the tank been set up?
2. What other fish aer there?
3. How are the other fish?
4. Are there any physical signs of illness on the cories?
5. Are they acting normally?
6. What are they being fed with?

Answer this, and we would be in a much better position to help you.

Best of luck,
I normally do 1/4 water change every two weeks

Tank has been running for 6 months now

all other fish appear okay

30 Gallon

I have 4 ottos

2 small gouramis

6 neons

3 colombian blue flame Tetras

I'm feeding them nutrafin MAX
Have you checked your nitrAte levels in this tank? Cories are sensative to this also. Are they showing signs of stress? Are there any red patches on them? Are they acting normal?

When you do your water changes are you vaccuuming from the bottom? Keeping cories means although they help you keep your tank clean, that you need to keep the gravel clean for them.

I am not sure what Nutrifin MAX is, but is it for all fish or just cories? Cories will eat any leftover food, but IMO need their own food also. I feed mine brine shrimp pelletts, bloodworms, algea pelletts, tubifex worms and a bunch of other foods also.

Are the Cory's dying quickly, or are they in the tank for a good few weeks before they turn over? I'm wondering about food, try adding some sinking food to be sure they are getting enough.
Still don't know what your pH is. That would be helpful I think to hear about. Also, it's an assumption that if your nitrites are at zero then your ammonia is too. For example, if chlorinated water were added to any tank, you might experience a sudden die off of both nitrosomonas and nitrobacter. This would lead to the tank going through another cycle, meaning that for a time your ammonia levels would be going up and spiking while nitrites would be at zero.

I'm not suggesting that's what's happened to you, but if you want to be rigorous I do think it would be useful to measure the ammonia. How many cories do you have? How many have died? What is their behavior before dying?
the other cories I have in there appaer okay

the one I am now worried about stays stationary alot

As we all know cories are quite active.

I don't think food is a problem but just in case what type of singking food do you suggest.

I personally use the Wardley Algae Discs and the Wardley Shrimp pellett Formula.

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