Cories And Scissortails


Fish Fanatic
Aug 29, 2009
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ok i have a 10 gallon tank with 6 corys can I add two scissortail rasboras or will the tank be over populated?
Hi emmettbaby :)

Your tank would be fine with only two of them, but I think they are schooling fish that do best in larger groups. You might want to ask about this in the Cyprinids, Characins and Atherinids section. :D
scissortails do need to be in a larger group than that hun -
they also grow to approx 4" so you'd need a bigger tank than 10 gallons - most recommendations min of 20-25 gallons for them

you really need to find a smaller fish to add in there - and if its a schooling one min amounts are approx 6 for most schoolers to feel safe

o some more research and look at lots of other small fish hun then
feel free to bombard me with names of other fish to see if they're suitable
you really need nano type fish for a 10 gallon tank
ok thanks you all! i'm planning on selling the two scissortails back to the pet store :) because I have no room for them and there are cichlids in the 29 gallon tank... that wouldn't be a good idea lol. I was just planning to put 6 corys (julli or the other species that looks like it) in the 10 gallon because I already have 3 corys and I want them to be in a bigger shoal.

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